Saturday, December 28, 2019


Hi there!  

Welcome to my blog! 

Here is where I share photos, ramble on about photography and other things, mangle grammar, and stumble over punctuation. I figure the more I write, the better I’ll get. Right? Gosh, I hope so!  

Photography has been my thing for over forty years. I am inspired by that “AH!” moment - by the excitement and joy I feel when I capture a wild coyote walking on the path in front of me, that Northern Flicker on the fence for one fleeting moment, or the perfect, sweet face of one of my grandchildren. Capturing moments, especially the unguarded ones, are what this is all about. When I’m holding a camera, I’m in a zone; I don’t feel hunger, pain, heat, or cold. Time stands still. Photography is constantly on my mind. It feeds my soul. And, YES, it is my passion. There, I said it!

I mostly photograph nature around the San Francisco Bay Area.

You can see more of my images at 

Thank you for visiting!

Friday, December 27, 2019

Testing 123

I’m testing this ‘Blog for Blogger App.’  I’ve got plans, goals, things I want to do in 2020.

While I recover from pneumonia and the passing of my cat, on Christmas Day, I’ll be making lists and getting ready for the new decade.