Tuesday, October 17, 2017

It's alive!


 I’m excited to announce my official photography website.

Look what I created! (Sorry, movie quotes pop into my head far too often.)

Making this website has been (and still is) quite an interesting learning curve for me. By interesting, I mean challenging and fun. Yes, fun. That is what this is all about. Right? Right. I still have a LOT to learn here so please bear with me as I make changes, grow my business, and improve my photography.

Just keep learning, just keep learning.

Thrilled, nervous, scared, and antsy, are just some of the feelings I’m having right now and I am just now announcing this on Facebook and Instagram too. I’m going to need more feeling words for all these emotions.

I could keep on waiting until I get it all perfect but, as we all know, nothing is perfect. Except for my Grandchildren, they are perfect. So, yes, it’s time to get my beautifully imperfect images out there and keep moving forward.

Check it out, take a look around www.dianetibbetts.com and let me know what you think by commenting on the images or clicking on the contact link at the top right of any page. Got questions, or suggestions? You can send me an email.  

Thank you in advance for visiting my site!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Beautiful. I am so proud of you. Fly.
Just fly with it. Nothing can stop you now.
J. T